nothing in this blog is true. . .but it's exactly how things are

which basically means that names, dates, locations, conditions, and everything else that might possibly lead to the discovery of someone's identity have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty, and terminally stupid.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

what you never, ever want to hear your sweet five year old say

"Mama. Isobel said that Elena had lice. I love Elena. What are lice?"

tonight, we're washing everything. Everything.


RevMedic said...

You sure it wasn't Bud Lite, not Butt Lice?

kmsw said...

you never know with Miss Diva,do you? But she's uncharacteristically unconcerned that there are bugs on her head. I went nitpicking last night, found one, threw up in my mouth a little, showed her the louse, and you know what she says? "cool."

blech. ewww. grody. ick.