nothing in this blog is true. . .but it's exactly how things are

which basically means that names, dates, locations, conditions, and everything else that might possibly lead to the discovery of someone's identity have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty, and terminally stupid.

Friday, April 4, 2008

sooooo. . .you may have noticed something different

yeah, I changed the name. Since I can't really play in traffic anymore, and I spend the time I'm not at work puttering around at home instead of dinking around in the back of an ambulance or running into burning buildings, and while a lot of my posts are about Meth Central Med Center ER, many have been about home and gardening and single parenting and MixMan and Miss Diva, so I thought perhaps it was time for something a little different. But. . .a rose by any other name still smells as sweet. So remember that the next time I'm writing about patient vomit and such.

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