nothing in this blog is true. . .but it's exactly how things are

which basically means that names, dates, locations, conditions, and everything else that might possibly lead to the discovery of someone's identity have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty, and terminally stupid.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

stop me if you've heard this one. . .

South County ambulance arrives with a female patient who "hurts all over." Patient has been evaluated (not to her satisfaction) at the two other hospitals in the area, and so has decided to make the trip- by ambulance- to Meth Central. Patient is tearful and has a lot to say about her previous hospital experiences. Nurse Zee starts the assessment while I hook the patient up, half listening to what she's saying.

"that other hospital, the doctor was so rude. He didn't listen to anything I had to say, and -oooowwwww I am in so much pain- and he was brusque and could have been a poster child for that book "How Doctors Think." And the nurse, oh my goodness. She just sat there and looked over the tops of her glasses at me and blew bubbles with her bubble gum. The nerve. What is this world coming to? Ooooohhhh, it hurts!"

I freeze with the tympanic thermometer half way to the patient's ear and shove my gum to the little niche between my cheek and upper teeth so that I won't be tempted to chomp or, heaven forbid, blow bubbles. Zee looks over the tops of her glasses and sticks out her tongue at me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me guess....drug seeker?