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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

hey, Monkey Girl? I have that cold, too. I begged a doctor the other night to puncture my sinuses with a 14g since the holes at the bottom of my nose aren't quite doing the trick. Note to patients: when we give you a mask? wear it. I don't care how "uncomfortable" you think it is. If you don't wear it, you may find yourself getting sneezed on while I'm starting your IV because I can't let go of the catheter to grab a tissue or you'll bleed all over the floor, and we can't have that, now, can we?

Right now in the Meth Central Med Center ER, we all sound like lounge singers. we're gonna install a baby grand at the nurses' station, get sequins and bling for our green scrubs, and wear stiletto Danskos. Whaddaya think?


MonkeyGirl said...

Mine's finally gone, but I go back on Thursday for another round of "What do you mean a cold isn't an Emergency?"-

I'm not sure what sucks more, stat colds or CCU holds.

Feel better.

RevMedic said...

You know what? I had that cold just a few days ago. I did the standard Ricola cough drops with Vit. C, and my favorite Alka Seltzer cold medicine. Hilda gave me some Mexican Zithromax, and Bam! that cold is gone, baby, gone. Of course, she has it now... For whatever reason (it's for infection, not viral) it worked. No Shit. Now I have the energy to look for some stoopid DVD... :)