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Friday, August 17, 2007

you know it's a good day in the ER when you have to change your pants

huh. That didn't sound quite right.

Just about the only thing that bugs me anymore is smell. I mean, I can handle the sight of blood, guts, gore, dangly adipose tissue, broken bones, poop, pee, puke, appendages dangling by a tendon, abcesses, nasty infected holes in people's legs. . .but smell. . .well.

it's not so bad when you can prepare; rub some vicks under your nose or inside a mask, then head into a room. But when you're walking down the hallway to start an IV, swinging the IV caddy jauntily, minding your own business, singing a little song to yourself, and a head injury patient projectile vomits directly into your path, and it's loud and voluminous and very, very colorful, and it splats on the curtain and the bed and the floor, and you've just gotten back from dinner. . .

that's not so great.

1 comment:

Lisa Sarao said...

I keep spare scrubs in the trunk! :) My favorite quote from a coworker on Saturday: "Oh s**t, there's s**t on my pants!" Ha ha.